10 Top Tips for Reducing Your Central Heating Bills

10 Top Tips for Reducing Your Central Heating Bills

10 Top Tips to Slash Your Central Heating Bill This Winter (UK Focus)

Feeling the chill in your wallet along with the air? Here are 10 top tips to help a normal UK household reduce their central heating bills and stay toasty without breaking the bank:

  1. Turn it Down a Notch: Lowering your thermostat by just 1°C can make a surprising difference in your energy usage. Aim for a comfortable temperature around 18-21°C during the day and slightly lower at night.
  2. Program Your Heating: Utilise your thermostat's timer function. Set it to turn on just before you wake up and switch off before you go to bed. No need to heat an empty house!
  3. Draught Detective: Feeling a cold breeze? Drafty windows and doors are a major culprit for heat loss. Seal any gaps with draught excluders or consider investing in thicker curtains.
  4. Radiator Reflection: Place reflective radiator panels behind your radiators. These will direct heat back into the room instead of letting it escape through the wall.
  5. Layer Up!: Embrace the cosy! Wear extra layers like jumpers, socks, and slippers at home. Feeling warmer allows you to lower the thermostat without sacrificing comfort.
  6. Free Heat Sources: Make the most of natural heat sources. Open curtains on sunny days to allow sunlight to warm your home. Close them again in the evening to keep the heat trapped.
  7. Use RadiatorBooster®: Cut heating times in half simply by using a RadiatorBooster® to more efficiently move warm air around your room when your radiator is on. 
  8. Bleed the System: Air trapped in your radiators can affect their efficiency. Regularly bleed your radiators to ensure they function optimally.
  9. Consider a Service: Get your boiler serviced annually by a qualified engineer. Regular maintenance ensures it runs efficiently and avoids costly breakdowns.
  10. Switch Suppliers (Maybe): Research and compare energy providers. You might be able to find a better deal with a different supplier, potentially saving you money.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce your central heating bills and stay warm and comfortable throughout the winter. Remember, small changes can make a big difference!